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A Podcast from BBB of the Tri-Counties:
A BIG thank you to Ayers Automotive Repair in Santa Barbara for supporting this podcast.
Welcome to this week’s edition of Your Moment of Trust! The weather is warming in some parts of the country, inspiring people to clean up or clear the clutter. The one area many overlook isn’t the corner of a room or a forgotten closet; it’s the digital device you’re reading this article. The BBB encourages people to check their smartphones, laptops, and tablets and take a few minutes to review these tips.
● Lock down your login: Security is critical to protecting accounts used for work and home. Ensure passphrases for each account are lengthy, unique, and safely stored. Enable 2-factor authentication on all accounts that offer it.
● Update your system and software: Avoid procrastination! The most current software, web browsers, and operating systems are some of the easiest and fastest ways to protect your most sensitive assets.
● Back it up: Protect your personal and workplace data by making electronic copies – or backups – of your most important files. Use the 3-2-1 rule to help guide you: 3 backup copies, two different media types, and one offline in a separate location.
● Clean up your online presence: When did you last use all the apps on your phone or tablet? Do you know the settings on all social media accounts that check in with friends and family? Check up on all your accounts. Then, control your role by ensuring you know who has administrative access to your accounts. Keep all of your passwords private.
● Be careful what you share: Quizzes on social media are fun, and keeping in touch is necessary. However, questions on social media might give away too much information about you, your location, or your family. In addition to following the above-listed tips, small business owners should take time to establish, update, and communicate policies and procedures around topics like record retention. It is also imperative that a cybersecurity strategy is in place and used by all employees. BBB has tips on BBB.org/bizhq on how to avoid online scams when working from home. BBB Secure Your ID Day Did you know that protecting your identity is largely in your own hands? Many identity theft victims can trace the theft to something stolen from their possession. BBB has a few guidelines to help safely dispose of electronically stored data. Before participating in BBB’s Secure Your ID Day or other shredding events, prepare your data. Know what devices to digitally “shred”: Computers and mobile phones aren’t the only devices that capture and store sensitive, personal data. External hard drives and USBs, tape drives, embedded flash memory, wearables, networking equipment, and office tools like copiers, printers, and fax machines all contain valuable personal information and stored images.
● Clear out stockpiles: If you have a stash of old hard drives or other devices – even in a locked storage area – information still exists and could be stolen. Don’t wait: wipe and/or destroy unneeded hard drives immediately.
● Empty your trash or recycle bin on all devices, and be sure to wipe and overwrite: Simply deleting and emptying the trash isn’t enough to eliminate a file. You must permanently delete old files. Use a program that deletes the data, “wipes” it from your device, and then overwrites it by putting random data in place of your information ‒ which cannot be retrieved.
○ Various overwriting and wiping tools are available for electronic devices. Remove any identifying information written on labels before disposal for devices like tape drives. Use embedded flash memory or other methods to perform a full factory reset and verify that no potentially sensitive information exists on the device.
● Decide what to do with the device: Once the device is clean, you can sell it, trade it in, give it away, recycle it, or have it destroyed. Note the following:
○ Failed drives still contain data: On failed drives, wiping often fails; shredding/destruction is the practical disposal approach for failed drives. Avoid returning a failed drive to the manufacturer; you can purchase support to keep it – and then destroy it.
○ To be “shredded,” a hard drive must be chipped into small pieces: Using a hammer to hit a drive only slows down a determined cybercriminal; instead, use a trusted shredding company to dispose of your old hard drives. Device shredding can often be the most time- and cost-effective option for disposing of many drives.
Until next time!
Check out this episode!