Fearless Creativity and the Power of Prayer

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Host Patti Teel interviews this week’s special guests, MM Allen and Deborah Wynne.  MM Allen is the author and Deborah Wynne is the composer of the award-winning middle-grade fantasy book ‘Wishapick: Tickety Boo and the Black Trunk’.

They recently released a Wishapick Podcast for adults, with the subtitle, ‘Prayer, Creativity & the Divine’ which delves deeper into some of the inspirational messages in the children’s book ‘Wishapick: Tickety Boo and the Black Trunk’.

Learn more about MM Allen and Wishapick here: https://www.wishapick.com/.

Also visit, https://deborahwynne.com/

Purchase the book, ‘Wishapick: Tickety Boo and the Black Trunk’, and music on amazon.


Be sure to tune in to the podcast ‘Wishapick: Prayer, Creativity, and the Divine on https://hubforpodcasting.com/wishapick/


Check out this episode!

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