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As a business owner, there are many benefits to donating to charity. Donating to a charity can get you connected with your community, offer tax-benefits, and give you various advertising opportunities. But before you write a check, be sure to do your research about what charity to donate to; and do not assume what the charity is doing without asking for details. In this podcast, BBB offers some tips and recommendations when it comes to donating to a charity.
To report or investigate a potential scam, visit Scam Tracker, or call BBB of the Tri-Counties at 805-963-8657
Thank you to Ayers Automotive Repair for sponsoring ‘Your Moment of Trust’. If you are in the Santa Barbara area and need auto repair, contact Ayers Automotive Repair. https://www.ayersrepairs.com/
Thank you to Meathead Movers in Santa Barbara for being our community partner. If you are in need of a moving service and if you want a safe and efficient move, call 866-THE-MEAT