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Between the advertisements and the current political climate, the 2020 election is hard to ignore! But honest voters and citizens are not the only ones paying attention. Scammers are luring unsuspecting voters to donate money to a favorite candidate. You could receive a phone call from a scammer who wants to trick you into sending money. Be smart and aware during this year’s election, and be especially careful to whom you send money.
To report or investigate a potential scam, visit Scam Tracker, or call BBB of the Tri-Counties at 805-963-8657
Thank you to Ayers Automotive Repair for sponsoring ‘Your Moment of Trust’. If you are in the Santa Barbara area and need auto repair, contact Ayers Automotive Repair. https://www.ayersrepairs.com/
Thank you to Meathead Movers in Santa Barbara for being our community partner. If you are in need of a moving service and if you want a safe and efficient move, call 866-THE-MEAT