Points to Consider When Donating to Charity

[iframe style=”border:none” src=”//html5-player.libsyn.com/embed/episode/id/16591529/height/100/width//thumbnail/no/render-playlist/no/theme/custom/tdest_id/1785518/custom-color/87A93A” height=”100″ width=”100%” scrolling=”no” allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen] As a business owner, there are many benefits to donating to charity. Donating to a charity can get you connected with your community, offer tax-benefits, and give you various advertising opportunities. But before you write a check, be sure to do your research about […]

Facebook ‘For Sale’ RV Scams

[iframe style=”border:none” src=”//html5-player.libsyn.com/embed/episode/id/16524953/height/100/width//thumbnail/no/render-playlist/no/theme/custom/tdest_id/1785518/custom-color/87A93A” height=”100″ width=”100%” scrolling=”no” allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen] There are so many kinds of Facebook posts that draw in your attention while scrolling. Some posts make you laugh, while others draw on your heart strings to entice you into donating money or contributing to a cause. Recently there have been posts about […]

Online MVD Services

[iframe style=”border:none” src=”//html5-player.libsyn.com/embed/episode/id/16338758/height/100/width//thumbnail/no/render-playlist/no/theme/custom/tdest_id/1785518/custom-color/87A93A” height=”100″ width=”100%” scrolling=”no” allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen] To help slow the spread of COVID-19, State Department Motor Vehicle Divisions (MVD’s) across the U.S. and Canada have expanded their online services. Beware of scam artists luring unsuspecting victims into identity theft schemes. If you are notified digitally by what appears to be […]

Tips For Buying Furniture Online

[iframe style=”border:none” src=”//html5-player.libsyn.com/embed/episode/id/16295387/height/100/width//thumbnail/no/render-playlist/no/theme/custom/tdest_id/1785518/custom-color/87A93A” height=”100″ width=”100%” scrolling=”no” allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen] During the COVID-19 Pandemic, online home furnishing purchases have nearly doubled. Meanwhile, the online sale of outdoor furniture has increased more than 400 percent! In the modern age, online purchases are increasingly commonplace, making shopping that much more convenient. The convenience of online shopping […]

Phony Online ‘Going-Out-of-Business’ Sales

[iframe style=”border:none” src=”//html5-player.libsyn.com/embed/episode/id/16156364/height/100/width//thumbnail/no/render-playlist/no/theme/custom/tdest_id/1785518/custom-color/87A93A” height=”100″ width=”100%” scrolling=”no” allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen] Small businesses are having a difficult time meeting sales goals since the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic. Sales goals for businesses mean deals for customers – but eager customers beware not to fall trap to a scam. The BBB scam tracker is reporting increased […]

2020 Election Scams

[iframe style=”border:none” src=”//html5-player.libsyn.com/embed/episode/id/16053101/height/100/width//thumbnail/no/render-playlist/no/theme/custom/tdest_id/1785518/custom-color/87A93A” height=”100″ width=”100%” scrolling=”no” allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen] Between the advertisements and the current political climate, the 2020 election is hard to ignore! But honest voters and citizens are not the only ones paying attention. Scammers are luring unsuspecting voters to donate money to a favorite candidate. You could receive a phone […]

Scams that Target Students

[iframe style=”border:none” src=”//html5-player.libsyn.com/embed/episode/id/15963485/height/100/width//thumbnail/no/render-playlist/no/theme/custom/tdest_id/1785518/custom-color/87A93A” height=”100″ width=”100%” scrolling=”no” allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen] It is that time of year again where students are getting their school supplies together at the start of the fall semester. Scammers are targeting students in an attempt to steal funds from unsuspecting victims. Even if you are a college student not physically […]

Virtual Credit Cards

[iframe style=”border:none” src=”//html5-player.libsyn.com/embed/episode/id/15889895/height/100/width//thumbnail/no/render-playlist/no/theme/custom/tdest_id/1785518/custom-color/87A93A” height=”100″ width=”100%” scrolling=”no” allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen] Data Breaches are unfortunately common place. If you are apprehensive to make purchases online or over the phone because you don’t want to provide your credit card information, virtual credit cards add a layer of personal identity protection. Virtual Credit cards allow consumers to […]

A Spin on Classic Pyramid Schemes

[iframe style=”border:none” src=”//html5-player.libsyn.com/embed/episode/id/15801518/height/100/width//thumbnail/no/render-playlist/no/theme/custom/tdest_id/1785518/custom-color/87A93A” height=”100″ width=”100%” scrolling=”no” allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen] COVID-19 pandemic is sending social-economic ripples across the country. People are perhaps more desperate than ever to make a quick dollar. However, be informed that there are a variety of schemes out there that require an initial investment and promise a high return. Scammers […]

Synthetic Identity Theft

[iframe style=”border:none” src=”//html5-player.libsyn.com/embed/episode/id/15747992/height/100/width//thumbnail/no/render-playlist/no/theme/custom/tdest_id/1785518/custom-color/87A93A” height=”100″ width=”100%” scrolling=”no” allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen] Identity theft is an ever evolving crime. As fraud protection experts learn the latest schemes that criminals are arranging, fraudsters simply modify their methods to make their crimes more difficult to detect. Identity thieves now combine information from multiple individuals to create a false […]