Avoid Getting Tricked by Deceptive Business Practices this Halloween

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The Better Business Bureau of the Tri-Counties shares tips on Halloween preparations–helping us to avoid getting spooked by deceptive tricks or false advertising!  Contact the BBB of the Tri-Counties by calling 805-96-8657  To visit their website, click here.


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Avoiding the Romance Scam

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According to the Federal Trade Commission, victims lost $143 million in romance scams last year alone.  That’s more than any other type of fraud reported to the federal government and the real number is undoubtedly higher because victims are often embarrassed and reluctant to report them.  In this episode, learn to stay clear of these sweet talking scam artists!  Help the BBB to investigate and warn others by reporting what you know on the BBB SCAM TRACKER.  

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Dr. Kaye Heals Digestive Problems

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During this long distance healing session, Dr. Kaye takes a deeper look into her friend Gail’s digestive complaints. Dr. Kaye and Gail discuss remedies to heal digestion and nausea. Gail finds symptomatic relief through Dr. Kaye’s remote energy healing session. See more of Dr. Gloria Kaye’s work at drgloriakaye.com

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Addressing Chronic Pain and Sciatica

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Dr. Kaye conducts a remote healing session with Gail, who has chronic nerve pain and sciatica. Follow along with this episode to gain insight into how Dr. Kaye alleviates pain through long-distance energy work. See more of Dr. Kaye’s work at drgloriakaye.com

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A Day In the Life of a Healer

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Distance Healing Specialist Dr. Gloria Kaye explains her intuitive practice of remote healing. Dr. Kaye shares an overview of her experiences as an energy healer, discussing the difference between hands-on healing and long-distance remote healing. Explore with Dr. Kaye as she elaborates on her unique gifts and talents. Stay up to date with Dr. Kaye’s work at http://drgloriakaye.com/

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How to File Complaint with Better Business Bureau

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Occasionally, a business may fall short of your expectations.  The good news is, the Better Business Bureau is here to help.  They have a complaint handling department and protocols for helping resolve disputes.  This episode will explain how complaints are handled and resolved.  

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Is That Email Really From you Boss?

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Business Email Compromise, or BEC, are scams that usually target businesses, rather than individuals.  But let’s face it, today most everyone uses email for work and personal communication, making all of us potential victims of this fraud.  Learn how to protect yourself from this type of scam on this episode.  

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Safely Hiring and Working with a Contractor

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As we approach the holidays, many people like to get their home repairs done before visitors come calling.  Whether you are doing simple repairs, adding on to your home or renovating a room, if you need outside help with your project, hiring a contractor may well be your best solution.  In this episode, you’ll learn how to safely navigate the waters of hiring and working with a contractor.  

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How to Prevent Identity Theft

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Identity theft is a massive violation of your privacy!  It involves taking your personal information such as your name, Social Security Number, or financial account number, and using it for an unlawful purpose.  Unfortunately, given today’s pervasive use of electronic devices, you are increasingly more susceptible.  In fact, in 2014, more than 14 million consumers were affected.  And to add insult to injury, identity theft can take a long time to detect.  Damage to your assets, credit, and reputation can be affected long before you even know you’ve been scammed.  The good news is, there are precautions you can take–which you’ll hear about in this episode.  

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Better Business Bureau and District Attorney’s Office Share a Mutual Goal

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Rick Copeland, President and Executive Director of Better Business Bureau of the Tri-Counties and Deputy District Attorney Vicki Johnson, discuss their mutual goal to protect citizens from dishonest business practices.  On this special episode, Rick encourages listeners to report scams online with ‘Scam Tracker‘ and explains the many facets of the Better Business Bureau.  They also invite citizens in Santa Barbara County to stop by their offices at 211 Victoria St, Ste A, or to call them at 805-963-8657.  For more information, visit their website.  

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