The HOP (Home Ownership Podcast), Episode 21, Circles in the Sand: Featuring Denny Dyke

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This week’s guest on The HOP (The Home Ownership Podcast) features sand artist Denny Dyke. Denny is known for creating unique sand art labyrinths on the beaches of Bandon, Oregon. Denny discusses his creative process and how he expresses his love for all beings through his sand art.

To learn more about Denny Dyke and to see some pictures of his work, visit

If there are any inquiries, comments, questions, or stories you would like to share with The HOP, Email and follow David on his website,, or call direct 805.617.9311

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The HOP (The Home Ownership Podcast), Episode 20, Featuring Fashion Designer Georg Roth

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This week’s special guest on The HOP (The Home Ownership Podcast) features special guest, fashion designer Georg Roth. Fashion designer Georg Roth is best known in America for his Men’s and Women’s elaborate shirt designs made out of the finest Pima cotton in the world! Georg’s trademark statement is “Your shirt speaks long before you”. Georg Roth discusses some of his experiences in the fashion industry and his progression through the business world with Host Patti Teel and Realtor David Charles Allen.

To learn more about Georg Roth’s collection, visit

If there are any inquiries, comments, questions, or stories you would like to share with The HOP, Email and follow David on his website,, or call direct 805.617.9311

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Brad Olsen–the Cold Truth & Insights from Antarctica

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Exploring the options in pursuit of the original Back Story, “Where did man come from and why?”  Cowboy Bob breaks the ice with renown author, adventurer, explorer and informed speaker Brad Olsen!  Brad offers some cold truths and insights from Antarctica!

By Design, Direction or Default!

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Michael Shields, from Earth & the Next Society Band

Never intentionally missing the beat, Cowboy Bob sits down with contemporary composer, entertainer and musical front man for the band Earth & the Next Society, Mr. Michael Shields, to talk music, song roots, and the future of an industry…session includes track from Earth & the Next Society’s newest album!  To learn more about them, visit

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Online MVD Services

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To help slow the spread of COVID-19, State Department Motor Vehicle Divisions (MVD’s) across the U.S. and Canada have expanded their online services. Beware of scam artists luring unsuspecting victims into identity theft schemes. If you are notified digitally by what appears to be the MVD, be sure that any links redirect you to a legitimate state sponsored website. If in doubt, contact the local MVD in your area.

To report or investigate a potential scam, visit Scam Tracker, or call BBB of the Tri-Counties at 805-963-8657

Thank you to Ayers Automotive Repair for sponsoring ‘Your Moment of Trust’. If you are in the Santa Barbara area and need auto repair, contact Ayers Automotive Repair.

Thank you to Meathead Movers in Santa Barbara for being our community partner. If you are in need of a moving service and if you want a safe and efficient move, call 866-THE-MEAT

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Tips For Buying Furniture Online

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During the COVID-19 Pandemic, online home furnishing purchases have nearly doubled. Meanwhile, the online sale of outdoor furniture has increased more than 400 percent! In the modern age, online purchases are increasingly commonplace, making shopping that much more convenient. The convenience of online shopping makes it very easy for the consumer to fill up the shopping cart and run up the bill. In today’s episode of ‘Your Moment of Trust’, we provide some online shopping tips when it comes to buying furniture online.

To report or investigate a potential scam, visit Scam Tracker, or call BBB of the Tri-Counties at 805-963-8657

Thank you to Ayers Automotive Repair for sponsoring ‘Your Moment of Trust’. If you are in the Santa Barbara area and need auto repair, contact Ayers Automotive Repair.

Thank you to Meathead Movers in Santa Barbara for being our community partner. If you are in need of a moving service and if you want a safe and efficient move, call 866-THE-MEAT

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Episode 7: Understanding Soul Mates and Soul Contracts

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Do we have more than one Soul Mate? What is their purpose and how do we know when we’ve met them? What is a Soul Contract and do we have a contract with every person in our lives? Understanding Soul Mates and Soul Contracts will help you more clearly understand the significant relationships in your life…xo Laurie

Follow Laurie on her website and

“The Afterlife of Billy Fingers, How My Bad Boy Brother Proved to Me There Is Life After Death” by Annie Kagan

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Cowboy Bob’s Interview with Patti Teel

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On the first episode of BackStory, as veteran broadcaster Cowboy Bob joins the Hub for Podcasting Network–he talks to Patti Teel, the Founder, about their shared vision for a new wave of podcasters.  

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The HOP (The Home Ownership Podcast), Episode 19, Personal Considerations When Buying a Home

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This week on the HOP (The Home Ownership Podcast), realtor David Charles Allen and host Patti Teel celebrate the cooler temperatures approaching now at the end of summer. Shifting mortgage rates mirror the current unpredictable market trends. David will share some valuable information about locking in your mortgage rate when buying a home. If you are looking for a home it is a good idea to talk to a realtor about homes that are about to come onto the market. When looking at homes that have not yet been listed on the market, buyers looking at homes will have less market-purchase competition. David and Patti talk about their current situation and discuss their considerations when looking to relocate. Email and follow David on his website,, or call direct 805.617.9311.

Check out this episode!