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‘Curbstoning’ involves a commercial vehicle dealer pretending to be a private seller to avoid taxes and mandated consumer protection laws. This practice is called ‘Curbstoning’ because often the sale is conducted in a parking lot, or with the car parked curbside on the street. ‘Curbstoners’ often post their for-sale advertisements on public forums like Facebook or Craigslist. Listen to this episode for tips provided by the BBB to avoid being scammed or ripped off.
Thank you to Ayers Automotive Repairs for giving us this week’s automotive tip of the week! The flashing TPMS light on your dash, warning you about the condition of your tires, could mean something! If the TPMS light is flashing, pay attention, normally it is flashing for a reason. Consider joining Ayers Repairs Car Care Club, for just $199, you can get over $680 worth of auto repair services. Thank you to Ayers Automotive Repairs for their automotive tip of the week! https://www.ayersrepairs.com/
To report or investigate a potential scam, visit Scam Tracker, or call BBB of the Tri-Counties at 805-963-8657. Thank you to Meathead Movers in Santa Barbara for being our community partner. If you are in need of a moving service and if you want a safe and efficient move, call 866-THE-MEAT
Check out this episode!