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The HOP (Home Ownership Podcast) Episode 123 Hosted by Village Properties Realtor, David Charles Allen: https://www.davidcharlesallen.com/
David Charles Allen reviews the latest interest rates and sales stats in Santa Barbara. He said it’s becoming a more balanced market with location, price, and a home’s condition dictating the price of a house.
Then David discusses the construction progress on the 101 widening project and how it may affect future traffic before talking with Patti about Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs), which have become very popular in Santa Barbara. People want ADUs for a variety of reasons. They can be rented out, which is great for off-setting mortgage payments. With rentals so difficult to find in Santa Barbara, this seems like a win-win. Every home can have two ADUs: one that is detached, and a Junior ADU (which means it is attached to the main house.) Learn more about ADUs by listening to this informative episode!
Call David at 805-617-9311 or email david@davidcharlesallen.com