Avoid Impersonation Scams this Holiday Season

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Brought to you by BBB of the Tri-Counties (https://www.bbb.org/local-bbb/bbb-of-…

) The Better Business Bureau® is partnering with Amazon to drive an education campaign aimed at helping consumers spot impersonation scams during this holiday season (BBB.org/ImpersonationScams). This scam tactic occurs when a scammer pretends to be a trustworthy organization or individual to steal a person’s money or personal information. This co-branded campaign will run through the holiday season, when we typically see an increase in scam attempts with more people seeking to make purchases. Learn how to spot these types of scams in this special episode of Your Moment of Trust.

A BIG thank you to Ayers Automotive Repairs of the Tri-Counties for sponsoring this podcast.

Check out this episode!

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