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The HOP (Home Ownership Podcast) Episode 97: David Charles Allen gives the latest interest rates and Santa Barbara Real Estate Stats. This week, there were 44 new listings and 49 pending sales, reducing the number of homes available for sale. There were 14 price changes and many of them can be accounted for by price drops on properties in the 1.5-million-dollar price range. It’s too soon to tell with certainty, but it may signal the start of a correction in the market. David and Patti discuss the news that Oregon buyers can now send personal letters to the sellers of a house when they’re putting in a bid, while it’s still not allowed in California. As always, the show closes with a fun discussion about David and Patti’s fur-babies. You can email David at david@davidcharlesallen.com or give him a call at 805-617-9311.