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This year’s housing market is competitive. Prices are up, and houses are selling fast. If you are looking to buy a new home, you need to be prepared. Prospective buyers can make their offer more competitive by getting preapproved for financing before even bidding on a house. This lets sellers know that a buyer is serious and provides reassurance that the sale will close without issues. That means many prospective home buyers are shopping for a mortgage lender before finding the right home.
To get the best deal, be sure to compare all the costs and understand how mortgages work. Fortunately, shopping around, comparing prices, and negotiating deals can save you thousands of dollars. Whether you are buying a home, refinancing your home, or taking out a home equity loan, in this episode, you’ll hear tips to help make your search for a mortgage lender a success.
Brought to you by BBB of the Tri-Counties and sponsored by Ayers Automotive Repair in Santa Barbara.