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Thank you to Ayers Automotive Repair for their automotive tip of the week! This week Ayers Auto Repair shares the importance of replacing the air filter in your vehicle. If you are in the Santa Barbara area and need auto repair, contact Ayers Automotive Repair. https://www.ayersrepairs.com/
If you thought COVID-19 scams were over, think again! Many people are being contacted via text message which tells them that they qualify for research studies related to COVID-19. Participation promises financial reward. Beware that if you click on the link in these messages, you could unknowingly download malware.
To report or investigate a potential scam, visit Scam Tracker, or call BBB of the Tri-Counties at 805-963-8657.
Thank you to Meathead Movers in Santa Barbara for being our community partner. If you are in need of a moving service and if you want a safe and efficient move, call 866-THE-MEAT